
Workshop nº 04 - FAIRshare: How advisors can effectively use digital tools and services for supporting a more productive and sustainable agriculture.

Language: English

FAIRshare: How advisors can effectively use digital tools and services for supporting a more productive and sustainable agriculture.

In the FAIRshare project, advisors and researchers from all over Europe exchange experiences on the design and use of Digital Advisory Tools and Services (DATS). In this highly interactive workshop, participants will share their experiences, the highlights, and the challenges they face in their daily use of digital tools. We identify and discuss good practices in DATS and their use, and hope to get new insights into the possibilities of advisory work with digital tools and services.

There is a large number of digital tools on the market, some of which are even available for free. But which are the right tools for you, how do you identify suitable tools and services for your everyday work as an advisor, and how can you profit more from using them? What experiences would you like to share and that might be helpful for others? The work in the FAIRshare project focuses exactly on these topics, and can point to new ways of incorporating digital tools in your work.   

Form: Short presentation of the related project work and of the open access online repository of DATS; exchange of experiences and good practices in the use of DATS in subgroups with a World café format.

FAIRshare has received funding from the European Union' Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement N. 818488.
Maximum Participants: 40


Workshop Moderator

Karlheinz Knickel


Anita Naughton
Teagasc, Irland


Patricia Fry
HAFL, Switzerland