
Workshop nº 12 - Processes of exchange and transfer of knowledge to the rural sector through extension. Current status in Galicia. Importance of the knowledge chain. Analysis of needs.

Language:  Spanish

Processes of exchange and transfer of knowledge to the rural sector through extension. Current status in Galicia. Importance of the knowledge chain. Analysis of needs.

In Galicia, at the beginning of the 1980s, the public extension service began a process of transformation in which it gradually took on the role of administrative management of CAP compliance, evolving towards the current model in which it coexists with the work carried out by private advisory bodies.
In this reality, the EU is promoting a model that transcends the traditional linear model of advice developed in previous programming periods (fundamentally linked to compliance with certain aspects of the CAP) and implies that agricultural advisors must acquire new competencies and skills to play new roles, attending to the needs of producers in a more multidisciplinary way than the current advice.
The transition to a more interactive multi-directional model gives greater relevance to the future role of advice within AKIS.
1.- Presentation and introduction of the topic by the Workshop Director.
2.- Presentation by the speaker: The evolution of public consultancy in Galicia.
3.- Presentation by the speaker: The AKIS in Navarra: generation and transfer of knowledge from a public advisory body.
Topics for the group work session:
1. Measures and tools for integrating and coordinating public and private consultancy. Compatibility and synergies.
2. What do advisors need to play the role of innovation agents in the new multidirectional model promoted by Europe?
3.- Measures and tools to improve knowledge transfer from knowledge centres to the Galician agro-livestock sector.
The groups will debate for 45 minutes using the previous topics as a guide. The results are collected on a flipchart or on cards to be presented in plenary. The WS director will summarise the conclusions to be transferred in the plenary.

Workshop management

Dr. Manuel López Luaces
Head of Training, Innovation and Agricultural Research Area
Santiago de Compostela - Spain


Xosé Antonio Meixide Fernández
Galician Food Quality Agency
Santiago de Compostela - Spain



Natalia Bellostas Muguerza.
Managing Director INTIA, S.A